Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Moon Messages

Today, 9/13/15, there is a new moon in Virgo. Again, this is the distinct time to stay focused, pay close attention to your thoughts, declutter your home and your life and start fresh. If things are a little chaotic right now, just know that this too shall pass. There is going to be an enormous breakthrough to great abundance that is just around the corner. AS a matter of fact, it is already here. It is an excellent time to read, write, meditate/pray and listen to frequency music. Well it is always time for these gifts.

I have been dealing with some breathing challenges, like I did last summer. Unlike last summer, I was able to self heal and continue to self heal with healing foods and herbs.
I still have to use my breathing machine and inhaler ,however, I am speaking that I will soon be getting rid of them. Last year, I had to go to the hospital several times. This year none. Progressing💜💜💜💜

The messages that I received today at church was 1)Law of Attraction- the thoughts that I invest in will be increased.  2) Be honest with myself 3) Let go of the past.
I am embracing this new moon to the fullest. 3) Live my life purpose-Be in service

Here is a new moon prayer

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Today is a great day. It is August 8, 2015 (8-8 *2+0+1+5=8). It is a another monumental day to get mind, body, soul, spirit aligned. Set your intentions, get clear on your visions, aspirations, and goals. Meditate, breath deeply. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions. Be intentional with everything and everyone. The universe is in alignment with you, so if you find yourself in a thought or action that does not support what you are up to just politely say "no" and quickly replace it with vibrational thoughts and energy. You have all the support of the universe....the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and Galaxies....GOD. In your stillness and silence, you can hear GOD. I am ...You are..God is...Infinitely One. #888
*picture credit - Mystic Mama on Instagram.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Overstanding the Dark

When you hear the word "dark," what is the first thought that  surfaces in your mind? I was so afraid of the dark from a kid until I was in my late 20's. I always had to have a light or television (or both) on before I went to sleep. I remember when thinking that my dark skin was not acceptable. Anything dark was bad...really bad. Evil dwelled in the dark. The programming was inevitable. 

Now, on this amazing spiritual-life awakening journey, I am learning to embrace and even love the dark. I now understand that being in the dark is the true test of faith...trusting the universe. It is where your strength builds and cultivate. Darkness co-exists with the light. The dark is the yang to the ying. It is the uncertainty of the darkness that evokes fear in many people.

We all have a dark side. In the article "Why it is Important to Understand Your Dark Side" on Collective Evolution, Milan Karmeli goes in depth of the significance of knowing your dark side is embracing who you truly are. He refers to our dark side as our shadow. He goes further to say that understanding our shadow leads to true authenticity and self love. 

Dark is good. Dark is love. 

Here is the link to the full article

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Crossing Over the Plateau

For the last couple of weeks, I have been struggling with burning fat. I know my metabolism is not as slow as it used to be because I am not on as many meds as I once was and I exercise frequently. However, I was in search of resources to help me add an extra boost. I have done some extensive weight training when I originally started this wealth gain journey. I was able to burn a lot. However, at that time, I could not stick with the strict diet so I gained some of that weight back. On the brighter side, I fell in love with lifting weights with that experience. I have been doing some weight training at least twice a week currently. I plan is to increase it to 4 times a week.

I got on the scale about a month ago and I was disappointed at the number I saw. I know that my body has changed significantly and my clothes even fit different than before. I know muscles weigh more than fat so the possibility of the fat burning and muscle building is what is actually happening. I just feel like I am bulking up faster than I am burning fat.

So Bea and I have decided to cut back on carbs. I also started taking a daily dose of chromium picolinate. In addition, I did some online research about burning fat the healthy way and found some insightful information.  It is working.  I am starting to really see the results. I am pleased.

Before I would have given up because I thought I had reached a plateau. Now, I get to keep moving forward and shift my perspective. For me, it was easy to be hard on myself. Now, I appreciate my body, I appreciate my journey, and I am so grateful to the universe for every bit of it. I am no longer fearful of crossing the plateau. I got this

Keep pushing forward. Here are some resourceful fitness gurus online who have amazing tips on Instagram and Twitter
@henchavoigtfitness, @MassyArias  and @brittnebabe

Stay motivated...Aligning Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

That's Life

I journal from time to time. I was going through some of my old journals and came across this entry that I wrote on June 22, 2002. I was preparing to turn 26 years old. My birthday is on the June 30th. Here is the entry entitled "That's Life."

You work your ass off to get money. The money never stays because the bills need to get paid. There are needs to be met such as gas, food, clothing, etc. Sometimes, you cannot help but think that you want to give up. Because it is not worth it. But you think of all the blessings you have. the love that you have for others, the love others have for you. It is the only thing that keeps you sane.
Keeps your mind on that positive track because you in your heart that one day; it may not be tomorrow, it may not be a month from now or even a year. There is one thing that I am definitely sure about is that it will all be worth it. As long as I have support. Most importantly, we need to love and believe in ourselves. Everything will be alright. Some things have to be let go because no one or anything should make you bitter.
The language of the universe flows through all of us. Now it is time for me, you, us ,...WE to understand it.

That's life

I love it!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kundalini Experience

🌚from @Spiritually_in_tune on Instagram

Kundalini, from Indian yoga, is a source of energy in the body, envisaged as a sleeping serpent coiled at the base of the spine. Kundalini is the intelligent conscious life-force energy of YOU distributed in your body’s cells that keeps you alive and functioning. Kundalini energy is responsible for evolutionary development and for heightened states of consciousness and awareness, and is present in all living life forms. All life forms are evolving toward heightened awareness. Kundalini energy does not have any specific character, as pure energy it has no form or condition. When kundalini energy releases from fixed form, the base of the spine activates, felt as a fluttering sensation in the tailbone. After this, kundalini energy coils up the spine, like a serpent rising.

Before awakening, kundalini energy is in a fixed shape in the body and is at a low vibration level. Kundalini energy is dormant while used to animate the personality. Kundalini energy releases from fixed form, when elements of the personality dissolve which happen when we let go of our attachment to that element. A large quantity of kundalini energy releases in major awakening events. With each release of kundalini energy from fixed form, the body vibration rises.

A kundalini awakening happens when energy is released from the personality, when quiet mind is sustained and our vibration is strong enough to release it. After the energy release, the brain and nervous system reorganize and kundalini symptoms occur. All along our spiritual journey kundalini energy releases, over time the releases are closer together until they are continuous. Kundalini releases become detectable in the pre-awakening stage when we are near our first spiritual awakening.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fabulously Delicious and Healthy

A few pics. Of our homemade soups by @queenbsweet and veggie stock broth, organic rice noodles, onions, bell peppers, cabbage, fresh garlic, carrots, mushrooms, bean sprouts, green onions, cilantro, avocados...and squeeze on some fresh cut Lemon, add fresh hot chilli peppers, (your choice of chicken, shrimp &/or crab meat). Delicious! Enjoy!
Everyone eats their soups differently. I truly enjoy a good soup anytime time of the year but especially in the winter.
Center pic. From our fav. Chinese restaurant Jan-Bo.
These soups, fill me up, energize my body and has me feeling light and good. Their low in calories and I can eat them all day.
Enjoy a variety of fresh cut fruit for snacks and dessert. Lightly frozen sweet grapes are better than popcorn!!
Treat yourself.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Your Nails Can Tell You A Lot About Your Health

I used to have real dark and thick for nails. I thought they were hideous. I would try to hide them as much as possible. It was only when I started my "Wealth Gain Health Journey," that I learned of how important the color of my nails were. I had no clue that it was related to my how my organs were functioning.  Which to my dismay, I realized just how dysfunctional my organs were. I found out that the dark coloring was not a fungus, as I originally thought. My nail color was connected to my heart in major way. My nails told the story about how I had poor circulation and possible heart disease. Just with embodying health, I am able to shift it all.

Here is a very informative article from Body Mind Soul Spirit Blog about the connection between nail coloring and health.

My nails are looking so much better with the right mixture of self care, self healing and self love =New Way of Living. I do not have a before pic however here is a pic of my current progress. With each life awakening moment, I am getting more excited about this journey.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Sirius Transmission and the Multidimesional Upgrade

From @Spiritually_in_tune on Instagram - Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond Light Body.  This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light.  Intense waves of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.  Everyone will feel the effects of this incoming transmission to some extent, especially if they are also sensitive to Solar radiation.  But the effects of the Sirian wave will be felt only in so far as the Pineal Gland is active and working to receive the transmission.  A person whose Pineal gland is inactive will feel the waves as instability and anger and collective "irritation". If the Pineal Gland is engaged and working to transmit the energies, then the symptoms will be different. >>The Pineal gland will receive the powerful Light Codes and then transmit them into the Light Body and the DNA structures of the physical body.  Because the "voltage" of the Light Codes is so high, there may be side effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiety and bad dreams.  These will be temporary symptoms as the Body and Light Body adjust to the new frequencies that are enabling Multi-Dimensional consciousness as a "real" experience. >>>Understand that the more powerfully you are feeling the effects, the more you are a part of this wave of New Earth Reality creation.  Those who are not receiving the transmissions will continue with their lives in the Reality framework that they know, until they are ready to graduate to the Multi-Dimensional framework that is being implemented right now.

As you become accustomed to this "recalibration" you will release the old 3D notion of time as a linear flow from past to present to future, and you will begin to see that Time is a Spiral or circular energy that can move in any direction at any moment depending on individual and collective choice.  You can exist in many realties and timelines simultaneously, and the choices that you make will affect your essence and being in all of them.  The choice you make define your Reality in the Now Moment....the Fulcrum of all Time and Space. >>As you work with these new upgrades and you begin to embody the new Light Body, you will open to the realization and perception of the Multiplicity of experience and being.  Some of you will become fully conscious Time Travelers and you will begin to move between parallel lifetimes in a conscious way.  You will begin to understand how the future shapes the past from the present, and you will become empowered to participate in this ongoing creation of Light and Love. You will embrace all that you are and the "Magic" of your Being on all levels of creation and light.

As you embody this new light from Sirius, the Sirian Masters inform us that it is very important to do deep breathing as you focus the energies.  The Heart Center is under pressure to integrate the full power of the Light Codes, so breathing into the lungs helps to expand and balance this area of the Body and Light Body. ~Find a quiet place to sit. -It is better to sit for this meditation than to lie down, as the powerful energies need to flow down your spine and into the Earth. ~Focus into your Heart center and begin with deep breathing.......breathing in and out and allowing your breathing to slow down until your body is quite relaxed.  Open your personal channel into the Earth through your Base Chakra and down into the Earth Star Chakra and into the Heart of the Earth.  Breathe in harmony with the pulsations of the Heart of the Earth Mother as she aligns with the Cosmic Heart. ~Bring that Energy back to your Heart and breathe deeply.  Now, open the channel upwards through the Crown Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra, breathing in harmony with the Divine Heart.  Bring your focus back to your Heart. ~Now you are aligned and grounded. You can now call in any Masters/guides (light beings) that you wish to assist you at this time. ~Open your Pineal Gland to receive the Light Code transmissions from Sirius.  As the Light floods the Pineal Gland and moves through the body, keep breathing deeply and grounding the energy through your body and into the Earth. ~Just simply keep breathing and grounding, until your body feels balanced and calm. ~You may need to continue doing this throughout the day until the Light Codes are integrated. >>>You may need: To rest, sleep and enjoy quiet time alone.  Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Bathe or shower frequently. -You may enjoy a bath in Pink Himalayan Salt Crystals. –Celia Fenn
Reposting from: @thenewearth 👈

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Power of Prayer

On February 8, 2015, My grandfather made his transition after 96 glorious years of mastering the human form. I call him a master because that is exactly what he was and still is. During his homegoing celebration, that was so amazing and glorious within itself, many family members and friends shared their experiences with my grandfather. My grandfather was a man of little words. When he spoke, his words were powerful. His motto "Be Good, Look Good and Smell Good." He said to always pray. Listen to God. My grandfather prayed. He would go into his room and pray for hours. He said that he was praying for us...his family. he was praying for everyone, for the world. I believe he was a man of so little words because he knew the power of the WORD.

Every word that we speak... we are praying. We are having a dialogue with the Universe/God. I know there are so many books, seminars, classes, etc that gives us those golden nuggets of wisdom however, my consciousness has expanded to an profound level....AHA!!!!

Whether it is meditation, exercising, being still... and let's not forget speaking and writing, It is all prayer. Our word is so powerful. Our word can free us or continue to enslave us.

My grandfather is a healer, he married a healer, my grandmother, and together...they were a they are GOD. I was sick and having a terrible asthma attack when I was 10 years old. My grandparents laid their hands on me and prayed. I mean really prayed. I felt the energy. Now I know that was Reiki. Call it a miracle, call it whatever, I call it the WORD. I call it talking to God and listening to God. I call it being in the light. I was healed. They were able to calm me down to the absolute point of falling asleep. When I opened my eyes, I was breathing normal. I was ready to be a kid again. It was a moment in my life when I actually experienced natural healing at its true form.
I  know my grandparents still have their healing hands upon us and I am truly grateful.
So now that I know.....I get to Be in my WORD. ... "Be Good, Look Good, Smell Good"....Pray

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Full Moon Meditation

Tonight 2/3/2015 is a full moon in Leo. Be aware of mood shifts and energy interruptions. It is key to stay centered and focus on your chakras. Here is a tip on full moon meditation from @oracleoflight on Instagram.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Crystal Clear Meditation

From @Awakenedcinsciouscollective on Indtagram Follow: @quantum_enigma1.618 How do I use Crystals in Meditation?

Meditation with crystals is a two-step process. First you must find the crystal that has the Universal Life Force energy that is appropriate to your intentions. Then you must either hold the crystal or place it in front of you where you can focus on it during your meditation.

Selecting the right crystal takes a bit of work. Each crystal has a crystal energy lattice, a color ray of influence, and an earth power derived from its chemical makeup. Choose one that has the appropriate energy for your need.  Seeker Crystals and Unifier Crystals are particularly suitable. The mirrors are also excellent.

You can also consider using a crystal with the feng shui elemental energy you need. Refer to the feng shui section to find such a crystal. Crystals strong in the elemental energy of water, earth, fire, metal, andwood are available. You can also use a crystal that is aligned with a Spirit Guide or an angel or a Goddess. If you are meditating for self healing, a crystal associated with the appropriate chakra would be called for.

Once you have the crystal with the right energy to facilitate your meditation, either place it in front of you or hold it in your hand. You don't have to sit in the lotus position to meditate. Rather sit comfortably. You can sit on a pillow, in a chair, on a bench, or anywhere you are comfortable. Relax. Take a few deep breaths. Now starting with your toes, focus on each part of your body in turn willing it to completely relax. Take your time. Do just this. Focus on each part until you get to your mind. Then very slowly count from ten to one. Now see a cord tied to the center of the earth extending all the way through the earth to your backbone, up your backbone and connected to your mind. Think about getting up. You should not be able to. You are now grounded and in a meditative state. You are ready to begin.
Here are some websites to check out to get more info about crystals.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Caution: Mercury is in Retrograde

For those that are highly sensitive, you may have already felt this energetic influence coming, by reacting and responding to situations and people differently than you normally would. This is may be, because we are currently in the pre retrograde phase, preparing for the main event . Mercury will be in retrograde in the sign of Aquarius from January 21- February 11.

What does it mean when mercury is in retrograde?
When the planet mercury falls into retrograde, it will appear to slow down, stop and move backwards for some days in the night sky, gradually changing direction and moving forward to its regular orbit. This phenomenon has to do with the relative speed of earth as well as their relationship with each other during a particular point in their orbit around the sun.

How does this influence us?
Mercury Retrograde occurs when it is moving backwards, into its shadow, so communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment becomes cloudy or error prone. As much as outer work is challenged by Mercury Retrograde, inner work is highly supported. Take full advantage of Mercury Retrograde by clearing your own tendencies to get caught up in your own shadows and those of others. If you find yourself ‘reacting’ to events or people in ways you normally don’t, take some time to center yourself and refocus. Centering yourself throughout the day will help you to be consciously aware of moments where you may be tempted to respond in ways that is out of your character.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to make a big decision, really reflect on it before reacting to it without much thought, as situation which presents itself to you, may not display the full nature of its hidden consequences.

What we can do during this energetic event is make an effort to find time for reflection. As mercury falls into it's own shadow, reflect on your own progress spiritually to the person you are today. visit any old journals you may have written in the past, to reflect on your own personal accomplishments. Remember it is ok to pat yourself on the back and remind yourself of how far you've come, to being the person you are today. 

*Source From @awakenedconsciouscollective and @oracle_of_light on Instagram

Monday, January 19, 2015

New Year New Moon

January 20,  2015 is the date for the first of 6 Super Moons for the year. This moon happens to be a new moon.

After doing some research, I found that it is excellent to set clear intentions and get clarity on what it is you are up too. It is also a great time to fast in order to center yourself. The website About Astrology states, " There are many ways to initiate this communion with the Universe from lighting a candle to elaborate rituals." The new moon occurs when the moon stops in between the earth and the sun. It is said to be extremely powerful and bring forth powerful energy. So being centered is key. 

I know being a moon child, I am highly connected to the moon. This moon I am feeling physically. We had a full moon a couple of weeks ago and I really felt it emotionally. I am definitely paying attention now .

There are a couple of events taking place in the cosmos within the next couple of days. Mercury will be in retrograde which means going backwards from January 21 to mid February. My next blog will be about that.

I want to know about moon and cosmo relations. Furthermore, I believe connection with the cosmos and moon are vital to our beingness.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fasting is good for mind, body, and soul

From @SeekTheTruth on Instagram/ Mind Unleashed. Fasting has been done in spiritual and religious practices for millennia across the world by Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, and more. It is the act of consciously depriving oneself of food and/or drink for 24 hours or more.

Fasting has been used for deep meditation and spiritual healing in the past, but modern science is starting to recognize its potential health benefits.

A new study conducted at the University of Southern California suggests that not only can prolonged fasting help prevent immune system damage, but can produce hematopoietic stem cells which generates blood and cells in the immune system.

Periods of 2-4 days at a time over a 6-month period was found to destroy aged and damaged cells. Interestingly, this principle can theoretically be applied to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. For those of you who don’t know, chemotherapy kills cancer cells, but it also essentially destroys everything else in your body, including your immune system. And with this new information, fasting could potentially be an effective way to combat the side-effects of chemo.

Corresponding author, Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the USC Davis School of Gerontology and director of the USC Longevity Institute, Valter Longo expressed his surprise saying, “We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system.” “When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,” Longo says, “What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from?”
To read the complete article, go to

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Healing Music: Willow Smith 9

Each week. We are going to feature some music that heals the soul. Our first Healing Music selection comes from  the gifted indigo child Willow Smith.

 I am in awe of this young angels growth.
According to Numerology: The Numbers and Meanings Blog   the number 9 represents leadership, Universal Love, Faith, Service to humanity, spiritual awakening and enlightening and more. She is channeling all of it in her music.
 Willow has a strong and powerful message to deliver.
Listen up and Check it out

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Taking Care of The Skin I'm in

I have had bouts with eczema since I was about 12 years old. I believe this was due to the high amounts of steroids that I was taking. 
I have tried creams, lotions,even head and shoulders shampoo to treat my skin.
I began making my own skin care products about 4 months ago using all organic, natural products such as coconut, almond, castor and essential oils as well as Shea butter and aloe.
*I will post some of my recipes in later posts*
As you can see from the picture, my skin is changing dramatically. I feel so great. I am getting compliments about how my skin is glowing consistently. The before pic was taken back in September after using my natural products for about 2 weeks. The after pictures were taken on New Year's Eve.
There are so many resources on line including instructional videos on you tube. So far, I have made different body butters, sugar and coffee scrubs in addition to some fusion oils and facial masks. Next I will be making some soaps, body oils, toner, and additional  items such as deodorant, toothpaste. I am excited about learning, expanding and taking care of me...naturally.