Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Your Nails Can Tell You A Lot About Your Health

I used to have real dark and thick for nails. I thought they were hideous. I would try to hide them as much as possible. It was only when I started my "Wealth Gain Health Journey," that I learned of how important the color of my nails were. I had no clue that it was related to my how my organs were functioning.  Which to my dismay, I realized just how dysfunctional my organs were. I found out that the dark coloring was not a fungus, as I originally thought. My nail color was connected to my heart in major way. My nails told the story about how I had poor circulation and possible heart disease. Just with embodying health, I am able to shift it all.

Here is a very informative article from Body Mind Soul Spirit Blog about the connection between nail coloring and health.


My nails are looking so much better with the right mixture of self care, self healing and self love =New Way of Living. I do not have a before pic however here is a pic of my current progress. With each life awakening moment, I am getting more excited about this journey.

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