Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Sirius Transmission and the Multidimesional Upgrade

From @Spiritually_in_tune on Instagram - Sirian Masters have assisted in transmitting into the New Earth Diamond Grids the Light Codes for the first Major upgrade of the Diamond Light Body.  This upgrade is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multi-Dimensional Vehicle of Light.  Intense waves of Light are being transmitted from Sirius that carry the wave patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.  Everyone will feel the effects of this incoming transmission to some extent, especially if they are also sensitive to Solar radiation.  But the effects of the Sirian wave will be felt only in so far as the Pineal Gland is active and working to receive the transmission.  A person whose Pineal gland is inactive will feel the waves as instability and anger and collective "irritation". If the Pineal Gland is engaged and working to transmit the energies, then the symptoms will be different. >>The Pineal gland will receive the powerful Light Codes and then transmit them into the Light Body and the DNA structures of the physical body.  Because the "voltage" of the Light Codes is so high, there may be side effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiety and bad dreams.  These will be temporary symptoms as the Body and Light Body adjust to the new frequencies that are enabling Multi-Dimensional consciousness as a "real" experience. >>>Understand that the more powerfully you are feeling the effects, the more you are a part of this wave of New Earth Reality creation.  Those who are not receiving the transmissions will continue with their lives in the Reality framework that they know, until they are ready to graduate to the Multi-Dimensional framework that is being implemented right now.

As you become accustomed to this "recalibration" you will release the old 3D notion of time as a linear flow from past to present to future, and you will begin to see that Time is a Spiral or circular energy that can move in any direction at any moment depending on individual and collective choice.  You can exist in many realties and timelines simultaneously, and the choices that you make will affect your essence and being in all of them.  The choice you make define your Reality in the Now Moment....the Fulcrum of all Time and Space. >>As you work with these new upgrades and you begin to embody the new Light Body, you will open to the realization and perception of the Multiplicity of experience and being.  Some of you will become fully conscious Time Travelers and you will begin to move between parallel lifetimes in a conscious way.  You will begin to understand how the future shapes the past from the present, and you will become empowered to participate in this ongoing creation of Light and Love. You will embrace all that you are and the "Magic" of your Being on all levels of creation and light.

As you embody this new light from Sirius, the Sirian Masters inform us that it is very important to do deep breathing as you focus the energies.  The Heart Center is under pressure to integrate the full power of the Light Codes, so breathing into the lungs helps to expand and balance this area of the Body and Light Body. ~Find a quiet place to sit. -It is better to sit for this meditation than to lie down, as the powerful energies need to flow down your spine and into the Earth. ~Focus into your Heart center and begin with deep breathing.......breathing in and out and allowing your breathing to slow down until your body is quite relaxed.  Open your personal channel into the Earth through your Base Chakra and down into the Earth Star Chakra and into the Heart of the Earth.  Breathe in harmony with the pulsations of the Heart of the Earth Mother as she aligns with the Cosmic Heart. ~Bring that Energy back to your Heart and breathe deeply.  Now, open the channel upwards through the Crown Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra, breathing in harmony with the Divine Heart.  Bring your focus back to your Heart. ~Now you are aligned and grounded. You can now call in any Masters/guides (light beings) that you wish to assist you at this time. ~Open your Pineal Gland to receive the Light Code transmissions from Sirius.  As the Light floods the Pineal Gland and moves through the body, keep breathing deeply and grounding the energy through your body and into the Earth. ~Just simply keep breathing and grounding, until your body feels balanced and calm. ~You may need to continue doing this throughout the day until the Light Codes are integrated. >>>You may need: To rest, sleep and enjoy quiet time alone.  Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Bathe or shower frequently. -You may enjoy a bath in Pink Himalayan Salt Crystals. –Celia Fenn
Reposting from: @thenewearth 👈

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