On February 8, 2015, My grandfather made his transition after 96 glorious years of mastering the human form. I call him a master because that is exactly what he was and still is. During his homegoing celebration, that was so amazing and glorious within itself, many family members and friends shared their experiences with my grandfather. My grandfather was a man of little words. When he spoke, his words were powerful. His motto "Be Good, Look Good and Smell Good." He said to always pray. Listen to God. My grandfather prayed. He would go into his room and pray for hours. He said that he was praying for us...his family. he was praying for everyone, for the world. I believe he was a man of so little words because he knew the power of the WORD.
Every word that we speak... we are praying. We are having a dialogue with the Universe/God. I know there are so many books, seminars, classes, etc that gives us those golden nuggets of wisdom however, my consciousness has expanded to an profound level....AHA!!!!
Whether it is meditation, exercising, being still... and let's not forget speaking and writing, It is all prayer. Our word is so powerful. Our word can free us or continue to enslave us.
My grandfather is a healer, he married a healer, my grandmother, and together...they were a force...no they are GOD. I was sick and having a terrible asthma attack when I was 10 years old. My grandparents laid their hands on me and prayed. I mean really prayed. I felt the energy. Now I know that was Reiki. Call it a miracle, call it whatever, I call it the WORD. I call it talking to God and listening to God. I call it being in the light. I was healed. They were able to calm me down to the absolute point of falling asleep. When I opened my eyes, I was breathing normal. I was ready to be a kid again. It was a moment in my life when I actually experienced natural healing at its true form.
I know my grandparents still have their healing hands upon us and I am truly grateful.
So now that I know.....I get to Be in my WORD. ... "Be Good, Look Good, Smell Good"....Pray
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