Saturday, January 31, 2015

Crystal Clear Meditation

From @Awakenedcinsciouscollective on Indtagram Follow: @quantum_enigma1.618 How do I use Crystals in Meditation?

Meditation with crystals is a two-step process. First you must find the crystal that has the Universal Life Force energy that is appropriate to your intentions. Then you must either hold the crystal or place it in front of you where you can focus on it during your meditation.

Selecting the right crystal takes a bit of work. Each crystal has a crystal energy lattice, a color ray of influence, and an earth power derived from its chemical makeup. Choose one that has the appropriate energy for your need.  Seeker Crystals and Unifier Crystals are particularly suitable. The mirrors are also excellent.

You can also consider using a crystal with the feng shui elemental energy you need. Refer to the feng shui section to find such a crystal. Crystals strong in the elemental energy of water, earth, fire, metal, andwood are available. You can also use a crystal that is aligned with a Spirit Guide or an angel or a Goddess. If you are meditating for self healing, a crystal associated with the appropriate chakra would be called for.

Once you have the crystal with the right energy to facilitate your meditation, either place it in front of you or hold it in your hand. You don't have to sit in the lotus position to meditate. Rather sit comfortably. You can sit on a pillow, in a chair, on a bench, or anywhere you are comfortable. Relax. Take a few deep breaths. Now starting with your toes, focus on each part of your body in turn willing it to completely relax. Take your time. Do just this. Focus on each part until you get to your mind. Then very slowly count from ten to one. Now see a cord tied to the center of the earth extending all the way through the earth to your backbone, up your backbone and connected to your mind. Think about getting up. You should not be able to. You are now grounded and in a meditative state. You are ready to begin.
Here are some websites to check out to get more info about crystals.

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