E-mmortal Frequencies
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Being The Nice Guy....Or Girl
Here is the thing, When I was younger, I wanted everyone to like me. I felt that by being a nice person that everyone would like me. I did not know initially that this was also a doorway for people who had ulterior motives to come in and drain me of my energy, my time and money. This led to me being a victim for many, many years. I suffered but in this suffering, I learned a lot and had a breakthrough. The downside is that I became very passive aggressive in this process. My vision became so blurry because I did not know who was using me and who really cared about me. The sad part was that I was actually trying to win the love and affection of the people who were, in fact, had selfish gains. I remained nice however, I soon became a fighter. I wanted to physically fight those users an those who I thought were users. I became angry. I had to show people I wasn't a punk bitch. My self-esteem so was low, that I still wanted friends. I did not want to deal with me.
On the other side, I knew that I was a child of God and I firmly believed, and I still believe, the Golden Rule as THE law when interacting with others. I prayed and prayed. Soon, I started to really see the people who appreciated my niceness. I still showed niceness to those who didn't but in a different way. As Former First Lady Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." I did and continue to do just that. I am not perfect. I have my days where I snap or have emotions behind people underestimating or making assumptions about my niceness.
As my journey moves forward, I see that being nice is never being weak. Being nice makes me so very strong, powerful and courageous because I still stand. I still have a big heart. I have not allowed the selfish people or my negative experiences to allow me to become bitter or negative. I can still be about my business and still be nice. I mean, I am from LA.
Today, I choose to be nice and I choose to be in power.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Food Is A Hellava Drug
Soooo with that being said, let me tell you all about what has been going on. I am still learning about food and also my relationship to it. Hi my name is Betrice and I am a food addict! Yes you heard that right. I am a food addict. I am dancing with my addiction to food right now on such a deep level. I have experienced both sides of the spectrums. Well, not completely, I know for sure that when I was eating the worst... fried, junk, processed, etc, my health was in serious jeopardy. Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Ulcers, Sciatica, Fibroids, Asthma, Allergies and the list goes on and on. I have gone from having to take nearly 20 different medications to now only having my inhaler. I am very grateful. Now, I struggle with staying on the path of eating healthy. I am on my journey of becoming vegan. I have such a struggle with not only processed food but chicken in particular. I had to get real with myself and admit that there is a problem. I have been in this way of unhealthy living for all of my life. I get to be patient and loving with myself through this process. I want to be conscious of not being so hard on myself each time that there is a breakdown.
The critically acclaimed documentary "What the Health" has also been a very intricate "eye-opening" tool especially as it relates to the affects of chicken as it relates to diabetes and overall health.
To come to the realization that food consumes so much of my life. Even more so than I actually consume food. My trigger foods in addition to chicken are chips and fried foods. My will to persevere is greater than my slip ups. I got this!
I feel that through meditation, consistent exercise, continued studies and reprogramming that I will definitely overcome this addiction to food.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
New Year New Life
Happy 2017🎉🎉🎉🎉 Did you set your goals? How are you doing so far? Weeeeeelll let me tell you, One of my goals for the 2017 was to transition to a vegan diet. Today is actually day 2 with no meat😮😮 It is never too late to start, right. I stopped eating cheese 2 years ago. However, I am struggling with the meat.
Prior to the holidays, I had a regimen of eating meat 4 times a week and 3 days no meat for a couple of months. But let me tell you, the holidays .... I was not eating the best. I went back home to Cali and had a freakin "chicken" tour. I went to all of my favorite chicken spots in LA including Louisiana chicken and Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. I continued to ravishing meat when I came back to Florida. I think I was just about to tip off of the deep end entirely but then I came down with the flu. I am still in recovery. Not only did I get sick but I gained some weight for sure. I have not been working out and I have been drinking alcohol on occasion for various holiday festivities. I do know now for sure that I do not want to be here again. So I am going to take my health even more serious. Don't have time to back slide.
Eating healthy =Being Healthy. I like feeling good. My word for 2017 is CONFIDENCE!!! YES !!!
I am going to stay focused. I will keep learning, growing and shining. This is still my year of Alchemy until my b-day this year. 2017 started out with the Moon in Cancer so I am detoxing all the way around. I am excited about 2017. Again, it's never to late to start. Remember, if you fall get back up and keep going. You got this... We got this....Let's do this💜💜💜
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Loving My Body
Today, I am wearing something tight fitting to work. It is a stretch for me. I have always tried to cover up or hide but lately it seems as if my body wants to be "exposed."
I look at some recent pics and I see my stomach poking out here and there. At first, I was so embarrassed. But now, as the days go passed I am embracing my fluff and folds. I look at those pics and think, wow, I am beautiful.
No longer will I criticize myself and my look. I am loving every inch. In the past I felt so sorry for myself. I wished that I looked other women who had beautiful shapes. Specifically women who had a small mid section.
My mid section has been an issue all of my life. Due to the steroids and Fibroids, I stay looking pregnant. It also causes so much pain on my lower back constantly. But you know what, this too shall pass.
I am healing myself. My Fibroids are shrinking. My health is getting so much better in this Wealth Gain journey. Herbs are my medicine. My inhaler is the last prescription drug that I still take daily. It too will be no more soon.
So today I walk into work with confidence and loving myself.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
A very insightful post from @awakenedconsciouscollective - Follow: @futureworldhealing "Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.
In modern esoteric teachings, it is taught that the MerKaBa is an interdimensional vehicle consisting of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedra of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. This point symmetric form is called a stella octangula or stellated octahedron which can also be obtained by extending the faces of a regular octahedron until they intersect again.
In his books, researcher and physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek describes this figure as a "Star Tetrahedron", since it can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. By imagining two superimposed "Star Tetrahedrons" as counterrotating, along with specific "prana" breathing techniques, certain eye movements and mudras, it is taught that one can activate a non-visible 'saucer' shaped energy field around the human body that is anchored at the base of the spine.
Depending on the height of the person doing the exercise, this field is about 55 feet across. Once activated, this 'saucer' shaped field is capable of carrying ones consciousness directly to higher dimensions."
http://www.crystalinks.com/merkabah.html #Regrann
Sunday, September 13, 2015
New Moon Messages
Today, 9/13/15, there is a new moon in Virgo. Again, this is the distinct time to stay focused, pay close attention to your thoughts, declutter your home and your life and start fresh. If things are a little chaotic right now, just know that this too shall pass. There is going to be an enormous breakthrough to great abundance that is just around the corner. AS a matter of fact, it is already here. It is an excellent time to read, write, meditate/pray and listen to frequency music. Well it is always time for these gifts.
I have been dealing with some breathing challenges, like I did last summer. Unlike last summer, I was able to self heal and continue to self heal with healing foods and herbs.
I still have to use my breathing machine and inhaler ,however, I am speaking that I will soon be getting rid of them. Last year, I had to go to the hospital several times. This year none. Progressing💜💜💜💜
The messages that I received today at church was 1)Law of Attraction- the thoughts that I invest in will be increased. 2) Be honest with myself 3) Let go of the past.
I am embracing this new moon to the fullest. 3) Live my life purpose-Be in service
Here is a new moon prayer
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Today is a great day. It is August 8, 2015 (8-8 *2+0+1+5=8). It is a another monumental day to get mind, body, soul, spirit aligned. Set your intentions, get clear on your visions, aspirations, and goals. Meditate, breath deeply. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions. Be intentional with everything and everyone. The universe is in alignment with you, so if you find yourself in a thought or action that does not support what you are up to just politely say "no" and quickly replace it with vibrational thoughts and energy. You have all the support of the universe....the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and Galaxies....GOD. In your stillness and silence, you can hear GOD. I am ...You are..God is...Infinitely One. #888
*picture credit - Mystic Mama on Instagram.