Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Loving My Body

Today, I am wearing something tight fitting to work. It is a stretch for me. I have always tried to cover up or hide but lately it seems as if my body wants to be "exposed."

I look at some recent pics and I see my stomach poking out here and there. At first, I was so embarrassed. But now, as the days go passed I am embracing my fluff and folds. I look at those pics and think, wow, I am beautiful.

No longer will I criticize myself and my look. I am loving every inch. In the past I felt so sorry for myself. I wished that I looked other women who had beautiful shapes. Specifically women who had a small mid section.

My mid section has been an issue all of my life. Due to the steroids and Fibroids, I stay looking pregnant. It also causes so much pain on my lower back constantly. But you know what, this too shall pass.

I am healing myself. My Fibroids are shrinking. My health is getting so much better in this Wealth Gain journey. Herbs are my medicine. My inhaler is the last prescription drug that I still take daily. It too will be no more soon.

So today I walk into work with confidence and loving myself.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


A very insightful post from @awakenedconsciouscollective  -  Follow: @futureworldhealing "Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.
In modern esoteric teachings, it is taught that the MerKaBa is an interdimensional vehicle consisting of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedra of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. This point symmetric form is called a stella octangula or stellated octahedron which can also be obtained by extending the faces of a regular octahedron until they intersect again.
In his books, researcher and physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek describes this figure as a "Star Tetrahedron", since it can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. By imagining two superimposed "Star Tetrahedrons" as counterrotating, along with specific "prana" breathing techniques, certain eye movements and mudras, it is taught that one can activate a non-visible 'saucer' shaped energy field around the human body that is anchored at the base of the spine. 
Depending on the height of the person doing the exercise, this field is about 55 feet across. Once activated, this 'saucer' shaped field is capable of carrying ones consciousness directly to higher dimensions." #Regrann